Take Steps in 2024

Walking Together on the Journey with Christ to be Transformed into His Image


Step Toward God

Worshiping with the one whose sandals we are unworthy to untie.” - Luke 3:16


Step Toward One Another

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” – John 13:14


Step Toward the World

“Beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news” – Isaiah 52:7

Previous Resources for Lent


Join us in following Jesus through the Gospel of Mark. Click to follow our reading plan for the 2022 Season of Lent. You can read an introduction to the Gospel of Mark here.


Walking Together with Jesus

A 7-week practice following the seven signs of Jesus in John’s Gospel
(Lent 2021 resources)


Spiritually Formative Practices



The practice of “silence” is learning the discipline of resting in the presence of God. Silence kills our compulsion to fill space with noise, our need to speak, and helps us develop ears to hear what God might have to tell us. This is the practice of Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”

Breath Prayer

This prayer practice focuses on slowing down throughout the day to pay attention to your breath as you pray a simple prayer. These breath prayers help you re-center on aspects of your relationship with God in which you choose to focus. Follow the link below for more details and for examples of using scriptures for breath prayer.

Dwelling in the Word

Dwelling in the Word is a slow, meditative, reading of scripture where you are mindful of God’s presence with you. This practice helps you be attentive to God’s voice in your life through scripture. This is not a “Bible study” tool but a journey from your head to your heart to allow scripture to interpret your life and call you into faithful discipleship.


Spiritual Formation Groups


Spiritual Formation Groups Overview

Click for information about what Spiritual Formation Groups (SFG) are and how to start one. This is intended to be a tool for you to engage in spiritual formation with others. Adapt this to how it best fits you and your group. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions.

Principles for Groups

Click to see the core principles each group should follow. These principles help focus the group and provide goals and direction.

Guide for Group Meetings

Click for information for your group meetings. There is a layout for “The Examen” prayer practice for your group and a guide for the group prayer time.


Bible Studies

Fill out the form to receive info about ongoing Bible Studies